Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Week 6 Quiz 10

Week 6 Quiz 1

Q 1.In the article "Aces and Bombers," the authors used predominantly the theoretical perspective of which sociological theorist? 2.The main point of the article titled "Aces and Bombers" is 3.Which statement was not made in the article? 4.Which strategy of revelation resulted in a student finding out what another students grade is by not asking about the students overall grade but by asking how they answered a specific question. This then allowed for the ability to find out the students overall grade. 5.Which concealment strategy describes how students did not look at their exam grade in an attempt to appear like they did not care?

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1. Erving Goffman 2. to explore how students perform impression management through strategies of concealment and revelation. 3. Impression management is usually rare in our daily activities 4. Foot in the door approach 5. Adopt an air of nonchalance